Privacy Policy


The operator PUREA PROMO s.r.o., based at Rázusová 12, 949 01 Nitra, IČO: 54 075 271, declares that it has published all mandatory and useful information required by the GDPR Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act on the website in the Personal Data Protection section, and has implemented a transparent system for recording security incidents and any questions from the data subject, as well as other persons. The data subject can also learn about individual information by calling +421 232 339 444, by email at, or directly on the operator’s website.

We approach your personal data professionally and sensitively.

  • We do not provide it to third parties (except to the extent necessary for the delivery of goods).
  • Personal data is stored in a secure database requiring authorized access.
  • We only collect data from you that we truly need to process your order.
  • Your data is encrypted on its way to our server, so that no one can decrypt it in transit.
  • All employees of PUREA PROMO s.r.o. who come into contact with your personal data have been properly trained on correct and sensitive handling.
  • If you do not wish to receive emails about our promotions, you can disable them in your account settings or inform us by email.
  • You can ask us at any time to delete your submitted posts or all posts from your account by email.
  • You can also request the deletion of your account and order history by email or in writing. To ensure quality service, we will need a few pieces of information.
  • A detailed list of required data is provided below.
  • We only collect from you the data that we truly need to process your order, in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR Regulation – we respect your privacy.
  • To ensure that your paid-for goods are not received by an unauthorized person, we require every customer to present proof of identity at the time of delivery and record the identity card number on the delivery note – this information is beneficial for you. We do not require this information for cash-on-delivery packages. Secure online banking.
  • When paying online through payment systems, you enter all your data on the bank’s secure pages.
  • We do not come into contact with your sensitive payment information – we only learn whether the transaction was successful or not.

If you do not wish to receive emails about our promotions, you can cancel by clicking the link at the end of our newsletter. Detailed information on the processing and protection of personal data according to the regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and the Act of the Slovak Republic No. 18/2018 on personal data protection and amending some laws (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Data Protection Act”).


Name: PUREA PROMO s.r.o. Address: Rázusová 12, 949 01 Nitra IČO: 54 075 271


In most cases, we process your data for our own purposes as the operator. This means that we set the purposes for which your personal data is collected, determine the means of processing, and are responsible for its proper implementation. We may also pass your personal data to other entities acting as processors, including: Service Name | Type of Service | Processor GLS Slovakia | logistics partner | GLS General Logistics Systems Slovakia s.r.o., Lieskovská cesta 13, 962 21 Lieskovec, IČO: 36624942 In exceptional situations, another courier company may be selected to deliver the goods based on an operational decision. Due to the operational nature of the decision, the name and location of the relevant company cannot be determined in advance. We only provide processors with the personal data needed to carry out the processing activity.


  • Issuing a tax document – invoice, according to Act No. 222/2004 Z.z. on Value Added Tax, § 71(2)(b).
  • Delivering goods and identifying the customer before handing over the prepaid goods.
  • Confirming orders, payment for goods, and delivery of ordered goods – by phone and by email.
  • Customer record-keeping for managing their user accounts on the website.
  • Recording customer orders for addressing possible complaints.
  • Sending informational electronic messages if the customer expresses interest in this service.


  • Billing Information:

    • First name and last name
    • Permanent address
  • Delivery Information:

    • Recipient’s first name and last name
    • Delivery address
    • Recipient’s phone number – required by courier companies
  • Contact Information:

    • Phone number – for order confirmation, payment receipt, communication with the customer.
    • Email address – for sending order confirmations, as an emergency communication means if the customer is unavailable at the provided phone number.
  • Data obtained during handover of prepaid goods:

    • Identity card number – to protect you and us – to ensure your paid-for goods are not received by an unauthorized person, the identity card number is recorded on the delivery note (this does not apply to cash-on-delivery packages).
  • Information about your orders – for processing and addressing possible complaints.


  • The operator only collects the personal data necessary to fulfill the obligations expected by the customer when ordering goods, in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR Regulation. Without this data, the received order cannot be processed.
  • For this reason, the customer must fill in all required information when placing an order.
  • To protect the customer, it is essential that, when handing over the prepaid goods, the operator or the processor is allowed to verify their identity and record the identity card number in the delivery note. This measure aims to prevent unauthorized receipt of goods by a third party if the customer has already paid for the goods. Identity verification and identity card number recording are not required for cash-on-delivery payments.


We do not provide personal data to any companies managing personal data databases or any other third parties, except to the extent indicated in point 2.


Our company does not disclose collected data in any case.


  • The customer must provide only complete and true data.
  • The customer agrees to prove their identity when handing over prepaid goods and record the identity card number in the delivery note (this does not apply to cash-on-delivery packages).
  • The customer agrees to update their data in the event of a change and to do so no later than before placing the first order following the change.
  • The customer agrees that if they provide personal data of a third party as delivery data (name, last name, phone number), they do so only with that person’s consent, and the concerned person is informed about the procedures, rights, and obligations listed on this page.
  • As our client and data subject, you have the right to decide on handling your personal data. You can exercise the rights listed below:
    • In person at every contact point;
    • Through our customer service line: +421 232 339 444;
    • On the operator’s website in the Personal Data Protection section;
    • By phone at: +421 232 339 444, by email at:, or directly on the operator’s website.

We will try to respond as soon as possible, but always no later than 30 days after receiving your request. Valid legal regulations and the GDPR Regulation, or the Law, provide you with the following rights:

  • Right to Access – You have the right to request confirmation from us whether your personal data is being processed and, if so, to obtain a copy of this data and additional information arising from Article 15 of the Regulation or § 21 of the Law. If we have a large amount of data about you, we may ask you to specify your request to a specific scope of data we process about you.

  • Right to Rectification – To ensure that we always process only current personal data about you, we need you to notify us of any changes as soon as they occur. If we process incorrect data about you, you have the right to request correction.

  • Right to Erasure – If the conditions of Article 14 of the Regulation or § 23 of the Law are met, you can request the erasure of your personal data. You can request erasure, for example, if you have withdrawn your consent for processing personal data, and there is no other legal basis for processing, or if we process your data unlawfully, or if the purpose for which we processed your data no longer exists, and we do not process it for another compatible purpose. However, we will not erase your data if it is needed for proving, exercising, or defending legal claims.

  • Right to Restrict Processing – If the conditions of Article 18 of the Regulation or § 24 of the Law are met, you can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data. You may request restriction, for example, during the time you object to the accuracy of processed data, or if the processing is unlawful and you do not wish the data to be erased, but need processing to be restricted while exercising your rights. Your data will continue to be processed if there are reasons for proving, exercising, or defending legal claims.

  • Right to Data Portability – If the processing is based on your consent or carried out for the purpose of fulfilling a contract with you and is also performed using automated means, you have the right to receive your personal data from us in a commonly used machine-readable format. If you are interested and it is technically possible, we will transfer your personal data directly to another operator. This right cannot be exercised for processing carried out for a task performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority.

  • Right to Object to Processing – If we process your personal data for a task performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority, or if the processing is based on our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, you have the right to object to such processing. Based on your objection, we will restrict the processing of personal data, and if we do not demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons for processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or reasons for proving, exercising, or defending legal claims, we will not continue processing and will erase your personal data. You have the right to object to processing personal data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling to the extent it relates to such direct marketing. After raising an objection, we will no longer process your personal data for this purpose.

  • Right to File a Complaint – If you believe that the processing of your personal data is in violation of the Regulation or the Law, you have the right to file a complaint with one of the relevant supervisory authorities, particularly in the member state of your usual residence, workplace, or location of the alleged violation. For the Slovak Republic, the supervisory authority is the Office for Personal Data Protection, based at: Hraničná 4826/12, 820 07 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, website:, tel.: +421 /2/ 3231 3220.

  • Right to Withdraw Consent – If the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. Withdrawing consent does not affect the processing that has already been carried out. If you later decide that you wish to receive commercial and marketing offers from us about our products and services, you can re-grant your withdrawn consent (or raised objection) at any time through any of the above contact methods.


In accordance with §55(5) of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 351/2011 Z.z. on Electronic Communications, as amended, we would like to inform you about the use of cookies and direct your attention to the possibility of changing your internet browser settings if the current cookie settings are not suitable.

What are Cookies? Cookies are small text files that may be sent to an internet browser when visiting websites and stored in your device (computer or another device with internet access, such as a smartphone or tablet). Cookies are stored in the folder for files in your internet browser. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originated and their creation date. When visiting the website again, the internet browser reloads the cookies, and these pieces of information are sent back to the website that originally created the cookies. The cookies we use do not harm your computer.

Using Cookies By using pages operated by Arašid spol. s.r.o., you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with your internet browser settings. If you visit our websites and your browser allows cookies, and you do not change your browser’s settings, and you continue to visit our websites, we consider it as acceptance of our terms of use of cookies.

Why Do We Use Cookies? We use cookies to optimally create and continuously improve our services, tailor them to your interests and needs, and improve their structure and content, as well as create interesting offers for you. Arašid spol. s.r.o. does not use the data obtained from cookies to contact you via mail, email, or phone.

How Can You Change the Cookie Settings? Most internet browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies. You can change this setting by blocking cookies or notifying when cookies are to be sent to your device. Instructions for changing cookies can be found in the “help” section of each browser. If you use different devices to access websites (e.g., computer, smartphone, tablet), we recommend adjusting each browser on each device to suit your cookie preferences.

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